"Through The Years"
Paige has been handling Shelties since she was 5 and starting showing in Juniors
in Canada when she was 7. Over the years she has also shown and pointed
several different breeds for other people.
Paige and Missy (Toy Group 1, Best Junior Handler and Best Puppy Sweepstakes).
Paige and Tallulah.
Best of Winners for 1 pt.
2004 York County Kennel Club
Paige and Ivy
2003 Best in Match
Paige and Twist (Erkija Pennybrook Twisted Sister, JH). Twist (a Vizsla) is owned by Melanie & Galen Folsom of Pennybrook.
Szizlin Jitterbug, JH "Beetle"
Owned by Melanie & Galen Folsom of Pennybrook Vizslas.
Paige and Solo
Sirius Park's Acappella
Owners: Amanda Ireland/ Lee Parkhurst