Ch Timeless Golden Whisper
4 Point Major Reserve
Summer comes to us from Roxann and Dale Heit of Timeless Collies in Kansas. We can't thank them enough for this very special girl and look forward to our future with her.
Summer is co-owned and lives with our good friend Mary Harper of Norwest Collies in P.E.I.
(5 Generation Pedigree Below)
Latest News for Summer's show wins!!
6/28/09 - Summer picked up 1 point at the Mill River shows
in P.E.I. with co/owner Mary Harper.
9/28/08 - Summer gets a Group 4 at the Miramichi Kennel Club
shows in New Brunswick for 2 points.
9/13/08 - Summer goes BOB both shows at the Pictou County Kennel
Club shows in Trenton, Nova Scotia for 2 points.
Handler/Co-owner Mary Harper
Summer is now a CHAMPION!!
5/20/06 Vacationland Dog Club Best Opp - 2 points
Handled by Paige Henderson
York County Kennel Club 5/6/06 Winners Bitch - 2 points
Handler: Paige Henderson
Summers 3rd weekend out at 11 months old at the the Collie
Club of Maine Specialty Shows:
3/5/06- Best of Winners for a 4 point major.
Handler: Paige Henderson
Summers 2nd weekend out at 10 months of age at the
Fitchburg MA shows:
1/14/06 Greater Lowell KC BOB over 2 Specials for a 3 pt Major
1/15/06 Merrimack Valley KC BOB over 1 Special for a 3 pt Major
1/16/06 Merrimack Valley KC BOB for 1 point
~Click here to see the show picture for the above shows!~
Handled by Vicki Rolls
Summers first weekend out at 8 months of age at the W
est Springfield Mass Thanksgiving Cluster/Collie Club
of New England Specialty:
Best Puppy In Sweeps under judge Kathy Ryan
4 point Major Reserve under judge Nioma Coen
Handled by Paige Henderson
Summer's pedigree
BISS CH. Timeless Golden Warrior ROM
CH. Marnus Golden Ruler, ROM
CH. Overland Everlasting II
CH. Clouddawn's Grandeur Promise
CH. Twin Creek's Grand Master
CH. Clouddawn's Promise O' Twin Oak's
CH. Overland Imari
CH. Twin Oak's Joker's Wild, HC, ROM
Overland Good Graces
Marnus Golden Rule
CH. Twin Oak's Lawman
CH. Clouddawn's Grandeur Promise
CH. Omega Twin Oak's Smash Hit
Marnus Golden Glow
CH. Marnus Gold Medalist
Marnus Afterglow
CH. Oak Knoll's Timeless Reflection, ROM
CH. Highcroft Oak Knoll Triton, ROM
CH. Vennessee's Into The Clouds
CH. Vennessee's Midnight Express, ROM
Vennessee's To Touch The Clouds
Highcroft Night Music
CH. Vennessee's Midnight Express, ROM
CH. Highcroft Special Favor
CH. Timeless Over Energized, ROM
CH. Highcroft Timeless Courage
CH. Highcroft Double Dare
CH. Highcroft Quintessence, ROM
CH. Fairview's Sheerly Energized, CD
CH. Chris Mik's Wiz Kid
CH. Fairview's Classic, CD
Am/Can CH. Timeless Whisper In The Wind
CH. Timeless Golden Warrior
CH. Marnus Golden Ruler, ROM
CH. Overland Everlasting II
CH. Clouddawn's Grandeur Promise
CH. Overland Imari
Marnus Golden Rule
CH. Twin Oak's Lawman
Marnus Golden Glow
CH. Oak Knoll's Timeless Reflection, ROM
CH. Highcroft Oak Knoll Triton, ROM
CH. Vennessee's Into The Clouds
Highcroft Night Music
CH. Timeless Over Energized, ROM
CH. Highcroft Timeless Courage
CH. Fairview's Sheerly Energized, CD
CH. Timeless Dancin In The Dark, ROM
CH. Twin Acres Dark And Dashing, ROM
Escear's Thunderheart
CH Fury's The Spirit Of Legendes ROM
Escear's Hurricane Annie
Twin Acres Splendor In Black
CH Fury's The Spirit Of Legends ROM
Twin Acres Gilded Lily
CH. Oak Knoll's Timeless Reflection, ROM
CH. Highcroft Oak Knoll Triton, ROM
CH. Vennessee's Into The Clouds
Highcroft Night Music
CH. Timeless Over Energized, ROM
CH. Highcroft Timeless Courage
CH. Fairview's Sheerly Energized, CD
